Archiv für den Monat: Februar 2011

The February meeting

Yesterday was the first Saturday of a month. Thus I met some fellow photographers here in the region. We usually meet for taking photographs. The month we met a an illuminated castle. That castle is not allways illuminated. Only for 4 weeks from mid January ’til mid February.  The title of this years installation is “1001 night”, while the last years title was “Ice palace”.

We had a wonderful time, even it was slightly raining. But it was not as cold as last year.

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Create a Photobook

Recently I stumbled about this website. I was looking for a company for creating a high quality photo book. I usually create a book out of my photographs. At least one book as a review of the last year, but also a book for special occurrences like holiday, photo trips and so on. I gave them a try and found out, that they are producing very high quality books. They have a very easy to use software running on Windows, MacOS X as well as on Linux. That’s because they are using Adobe Air for it. It’s easy to use, runs smooth and has, at least for me, enough possibilities to create a nice book out of my photographs.

In my opinion they are creating  high quality products with an easy to use software and it lasts only very few days from ordering to delivery.

This is the company:  myphotobook ! (click on the ad in the upper right corner above the tag cloud )

Well done!